Welcome to Inluminare

Who we are

Our mission is to advance science-based tools for social impact by empowering direct service implementers and their supporters.

What we do

We offer products and services that bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and the needs of nonprofits and foundations working to make a difference.

How we do it

We leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance existing datasets and integrate organizations’ insights to make best practices even better.

Our approach is to integrate not just science and the real world, but also various fields of science, too. Products under development bring together strategic management, economics, political science, sociology, and public and nonprofit management into a holistic suite of solutions that are tried and tested to meet users’ needs.

Our tools improve program sustainability, longevity, and scalability to magnify organizations’ impacts.

Why we do it

After a professional and academic career working with a range of different nonprofits and public agencies, founder Dr. Santamarina observed several key issues preventing nonprofits from best serving their communities. He also knew that there were scientific solutions just waiting to be implemented, and so he created Inluminare in 2023 to bridge that gap.