Our Approach

The approach that we take to our work is reflected in our mission, the vision of what we aim to accomplish, and the values that drive our intentions as we partner with you.

Our mission and vision

Inluminare’s [in-loo-min-ah-rey] mission:

We empower organizations to understand the resources necessary to sustain and magnify their impact.

We believe that all organizations shape and affect their communities and societies, and by helping them identify ways to improve their efficiency (price per output) and efficacy (how close their outputs are to what they intended), we can empower all kinds of stakeholders both directly and indirectly. When organizations do not have a clear understanding of all of the “ingredients” necessary to produce a cake, or a widget, or a service offering, their ability to become more efficienct and efficacious becomes compromised, as well as their ability to replicate success and scale up their work.

For that reason, our vision is

To create a world where the critical resources for success can be clearly identified, anticipated, and organized.

Our values

At Inluminare, we have certain values:

  1. Transformation: Whenever we take on a project, we intend to improve our clients’ situation, as well as those of their stakeholders. At minimum, we want leave our clients no worse off than they were before. Like in camping: always leave your campsite better than you found it.
  2. Education & Communication: Everything we do is intended to yield actionable insights that can be shared among partners as well as to the wider community - there is nothing new under the sun, and so what benefits one can surely benefit another. A rising tide raises all ships, and the more we educate and communicate key findings, the better everyone is, especially those organizations operating under difficult conditions (economic, systemic marginalization, environmental, etc.).
  3. Investigation: Founded by a PhD, we strive to keep that curious, intellectual instinct alive by continuing to ask of ourselves and our partners, “is this working?” “What can we do better?” “How can we improve?”

We firmly believe in the success of our multi-dimensional approach that leverages inductive, deductive, and predictive data, through