Products and Services

Reta [ree-ta] is our qualitative tool that helps organizations tell the story of what they need to get work done.

Váles [va-less] is our cost estimation AI tool currently under development.

Each of these tools help to tell your story, Reta by adding new understanding and Váles by measuring what you know is important. Together, the two will enable your organization transform not just the story of its past but how it will work into the future.


What it does

It builds on nonprofits’ existing data to capture the range of resources used to deliver programs, even ones that are hard to measure financially. It also shows monetary and non-monetary values of those resources.
How important was a particular resource, and how much did it cost?

How it will help

By creating a resource inventory that reflects the resources used to deliver a program, organizations can understand resource value beyond just financial data.
What was the most important resource when I consider its cost as only one of multiple factors?

How it does it

Reta categorizes and assigns meaningful values to the resources used by nonprofits. By using research-derived categories, users can indicate which resources are most important across multiple dimensions. This allows users to run meaningful reports that go beyond the numbers. It also incorporates Váles to let users assign monetary value to resources not captured in their existing financial data.
When I think about a resource from another perspective, what value would I assign it?

What to expect after using it

With a completed resource inventory for a given program, nonprofits and foundations will be able to determine

  • What was necessary for that program’s success,
  • How to ensure its sustainability in the future,
  • What are essential resources and varying costs that would be associated with scaling up, and
  • Better direct strategic planning and development efforts to secure essential resources, both now and in the future.

They can also perform more accurate and comprehensive performance evaluations to better calculate returns per dollar spent, the scale of their impact, and financial ratios such as program-expense ratios.
What resources do I need to secure to make this program work somewhere else?


What it does

It takes the challenge out of estimating monetary value for even hard-to-measure resources, such as contributed services, using machine learning and discriminative AI.
What number should I assign to a donated good or service that we have never received before?

How it will help

Nonprofits can improve financial compliance by easily calculating fair market valuations for all kinds of resources. Váles replaces the need to reinvent the wheel and make new methods for financial valuations, while allowing nonprofits to report more accurate and detailed financial data.
How can I systematically and consistently assign values to this kind of resource going forward?

How it does it

It uses machine learning and discriminative AI to take provided descriptions and produce reliable estimates of their financial value. Using these estimates and existing data, such as inventory or hours received, nonprofits can more accurately calculate how much of a given resource was used.
Given the amount we used and the cost per unit, what’s the value of the consumed resources?

What to expect after using it

With fuller financial data, key insights such as cost-benefit analyses and financial ratios can be even more accurate. In addition, users’ financial statements will be more aligned with standards and best practices that require the reporting of donated goods and services at fair market values. Data from Váles can greatly enhance the analytic opportunities offered by Reta.
What was the total cost to deliver the program, now that we have values for even the hard-to-measure resources?

Implementation Support Services

Inluminare wants to be a partner with our users to better support them. To complement our products, we offer implementation support services to help organizations take advantage of these data-driven insights by:

  • Integrating with existing reporting and evaluation practices
  • Helping users develop new workflows to capture essential data
  • Providing guidance on generating meaningful insights through reporting and analysis
  • Creating opportunities for all levels of your organization to find opportunities to benefit

Contact us today to learn more about how Inluminare can partner with your organization.